What do I look for in selecting an operator?

What do I look for in selecting an operator?
Who to trust with designing, planning and executing your African safari trip is a weighty decision. We’d suggest that you start with a member of the Safari Professionals of the Americas, all proven African destination specialists. They’ve got the experience, the expertise and the overall perspective of the safari landscape, to help you make the best choice. They know where the value is, what to avoid, and will safeguard you from making an expensive mistake.
Almost as important as the trip you decide on, is knowing who will be in charge of your day to day arrangements in Africa, and if they have the resources to step in and fix a problem, should something untoward happen. Proper back-up, solid emergency procedures and reliable communications are vital in Africa where you may be many hours away from medical care, sometimes for days on end.
Working with a well-established and legitimate North America-based safari company has many pluses, not the least of which is that you can get them on the ‘phone when it suits you. Dealing with a known local entity is important also for security and reassurance related to liability, insurance and problem-solving.
It is always a good idea to talk to someone on the ‘phone, and not just rely on e-mail, convenient as it may be. A phone call to a safari company you’re considering for your business, can be quite revealing. For one thing you will get a good measure of their knowledge and experience. If they’re prompt to return your calls, take the time to listen to you, are considerate of your budget and particular preferences you may have, and follow up in a timely manner, you can reasonably assume that they will continue to perform well during the entire process.